Friday 23 May 2014

BWC2014 - 20th May (Day 6 - Brasilia First Day City Tour)

doggie with her new ribbon!

Sardine in lime for breakfast!
I woke up feeling fresh this morning. So I thought it was time for my first run in Brazil!! Geared up and all ready by 7:45am, I bid goodbye to doggie, who was spotted with a new ear ribbon.

After more than 12days since the last run, this round surely was a hectic one. I followed the google map and ran one big round but only still completed 8.5km instead of my usual 10km. Nevertheless, I wasn't complaining because it started to get chilly in my singlet especially when the wind blew! Anyway, I was glad to be back on the running shoes.

Had a great hot shower and after breakfast, I began my first day of Brasilia city tour. The attractions were not far from the bus terminal.

Skater outside the National Musuem...
One of the amazing photo displayed
in the National Musuem

My first stop was the national museum, which was pretty small and empty with a few photographs on display. Then I walked to the famous Cathedral of Metropolitan which was just a stone throw away. The interior design was really beautiful. Took many pictures inside the church. There was also a praying session in progress.

After these, I walked further down towards another signature landmark in Brasilia, the Three Power Square. Along the way, I passed by the catchy Itamaraty Palace, the Foreign Minister building. Took some pictures here and moved on.

Before that, I stopped at a small food stall having my Presunto Queijo for lunch (ham in some cheesy stuff).
Brasilia National Musuem!

Presunto Queijo lunch
There were many working class people around. After all, that area is surrounded by different ministries offices.

At the end of the road, I reached where the huge Brazilian flag was, I saw from afar. It is also where the Three Power Square and the Supreme Federal Court are. Saw a tourist centre and went in to check it out. Got a city map and a toilet break.

Wouldn't want to abuse my legs, I took a bus back to the terminal. It was
Itamaraty Palace..
still early for dinner and I had no place else to go. So, I window shopped around the mall and tried the Acai, sundae-like local dessert that both Fernanda and Aldo recommended. I picked the medium size and get to pick 5 sides. It was really delicious but got too cold towards the end!! A smaller size would be perfect!

I also finally found the famous Melissa shoe store. However, it was pretty small and I could not find what one of my friends is looking for. It's a craze now in Singapore and when I told my female friends that I'm going to Brazil, the first thing they asked were "Could you help me to get some Melissa shoe please?" !!

Stopped for a coffee and noticed Brazil has a 25cent coin! Their monetary denomination is pretty wide!

stalls outside the Cathedral...
The clock seems crawling like a snail. I decided to go home instead.
Cathedral of Metropolitan
Walked passed this store in the mall which sells cigarette and.... coffee!

I stopped a bus stop earlier to go back to the supermarket and got my beer I missed out yesterday!! Today, I picked Colorado and one of the different brand instead.

After shower, I met Fernanda's dad again. He invited me to feel free to use the TV room and even pressed the English channel for me. I browsed through the channels for a while and then dad came to join me too. I tried to "chat" with him using the google translate. Reminded me on how I took half an hour to get the message right to Hajime while I was backpacking at Shikoku, Japan, four years ago. (Check out my adventure then in this blog... Sorry for the advertising)

super duper ice cold beer!!

Around 7, I excused myself and walked out for dinner. Saw this restaurant,
The famous Three Power Circle!
Mavericks, many times while I was walking to the bus stop every morning. So, gave it a try and didn't regret at all. After some self translation using the dictionary, I ordered some fillet beef with broccoli rice as my sides since the rest didn't quite make sense except the chips. The waiter was still asking for something which I thought he was wondering how my fillet beef like to be done. I showed him the "Medium rare" translation. Although, he acknowledged, I later reckoned there was only one way it will be done and that was fully cooked.

Cathedral of Metropolitan
This place was pretty crowded on a Tuesday night! More and more people came in as it gets later. Seated kind of in the middle, I saw people passing by and chatting here and there. For a moment, I felt like the odd one who seemed invisible!

Soon, Eric Clapton came and sang "Tears in Heaven". Of course I am kidding. The singer looks a little like

Singer at Mavericks

him with the cap on. Oh wait, Eric Clapton doesn't wear any headgear!

I love the food. The serving was sooo huge I was struggling to finish off the fillet beef! And of course the beer was amazing. The super chilled glass made sure your last gulp is still fresh and cold! Having 3 mugs showed my respect for the greatness!

my running comrades at rest!

When I finally finished off the last piece of meat, I headed home, quickly showered and by 11pm, I could not resist the temptation of the bed!

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