Wednesday 28 December 2011

9 mountains - 8.6.11 (Day 22 - Day Off at Shenzhen)

Woke up at 8am to have breakfast. My train to the next destination was at 12:30pm.

Still early, I rested on the couch at the big hall and caught NBA final game 5 lived on CCTV5!! After the match, I was getting lazy to get out of the comfort zone!! Instead of just a night stay, I spent the longest time in a spa when decided to spend another day at Shenzhen.

And for the first time as well, I spent more than 38 hours indoor having supper, breakfasts, lunch and dinner at the same place!! And of course not to mention, numerous great massage sessions!! =]

Let's recall the great time in HK!
Hmm...yummy yummy!
Good time passed very fast. It was time to sleep again. This time, I only needed an hour of massage to spend the night in the room. The bed was bigger too. Initially they wanted me to add another hour but when I asked them the next morning, I was exempted. The service was pretty good. Too bad I was too relaxed to remember taking any picture!  So, why not having a good memory of my beef noodle at Hong Kong again?!

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