Tuesday 17 June 2014

BWC2014 - 10th June (Day 27 - 12th Working Day)

The gates were decorated too..
I have been seeing this 946 bus that also goes to the bus terminal every morning. But each time, it just passed by me. This morning, I almost caught it if I were 20 seconds later or 10 seconds earlier. 20 seconds later so that I could run back to the bus stand to catch the bus. My breakfast didn't allow me to run any further than that.

Shuttle buses for the staffs!
We have a big group of Catering team today. Met Ana who is an athlete! She won two times volleyball and handball championship in college level and also teaches dancing!!

The gates were decorated three..
Because there were many of us, me and some others started the packing of the lunch bags earlier, before the lunch ends.

When the rest came to help, we have two persons packing the same snacks together! That made things moved much faster and we completed all the lunch bags that we needed to prepare and boxed them up all nicely! We all took pictures together as celebration!!

Ever since the "pão" incident, I became the laughing stock for everyone again; this time mispronouncing the word "grande"! Language is amazing! If you are not careful, trying to order a "big bread" (grande pão) in Portuguese could end up getting something more exotic from the male organ!
Last batch of lunch bags

All lunch bags were cleared!

During lunch time, Ellen said something about pregnancy and I thought she was referring to her sister or relatives, but it was actually herself. Pregnant for 3 months now, she was still working as a volunteer. That was unbelievable! And she was not the only one. I saw another volunteer at lunch and Ellen said she was in her 5th month pregnancy!!

After we had cleaned up the place, most of them left except Ellen and myself. There were a group of transporters coming to shift all these lunch bags to the dry container! And the toughest task to handle so far was to do nothing while "supervising" the mover to do the job! Met Romario, the movers' coordinator instead of the superstar footballer!

We completed about 6400
lunch bags of 5 different
All the boxes were moved to the dry container except the last colour because there was no space left. Tony invited me for dinner again and this time, we had it inside the Centre just like our lunch.

Today, our TV and Playstations were ready too. Two of the TVs were near the dining area and one big projected screen above the exit/entrance.

Again, I didn't spend a single cent today and went home happily. After shower, I was so worn out that I slept just slightly after 10pm!


  1. Replies
    1. haha.. yes indeed...=] will try to update soon while the memory is still fresh!! =]
